Referral Focused MREA Course for the Solo Agent
This is a course that teaches from the Millionaire Real Estate Agent book by Gary Keller, but does it from a referral focused lead generation viewpoint. I have been working this way from my start in 2003. That means I have never made a cold call, called an expired listing, talked to a FSBO about selling their property, or knocked on a door for a lead. Those things work, but so does a slot machine, and I knew there was a better way.
If you would like to learn how to do business this way too, this course will help.
It has 8 modules with 6 or more video lectures in each. That’s about 50 lectures. It comes with action lists so you don’t have to guess what to do next, and you’ll get printed slides with my notes on each one.
I am building this course out and updating it right now. One module is ready to go, with more to come in the weeks ahead. When the whole thing is done, the price will be $497. If you want to get started now, I’ll make you the offer of $197, and you’ll take delivery later of the rest of the modules as I get them done. You’ll get the full course for $197 if you order it now, but this offer won’t last. As I get it done, the price goes up. Right now, it’s $197, and you can get it if you click here.
As a bonus, you’ll also receive three sessions of one-on-one coaching from me to use anytime during the course. That’s worth the price of the course by itself, and I believe that we ought to give more than we take so there will be bonuses and surprises along the way. Here is the Intro to the course so you can see a bit of what you’re going to get.
- One-on-One Coaching
- The Caffeine Life